Becoming Superheroes!
Make a "Useless" Invention to Help You Brush Your Teeth
Make a "Useless" Invention to Help You Brush Your Teeth
Make a "Useless" Invention to Help You Brush Your Teeth
Explore Kawaii Drawing Techniques
Explore Kawaii Drawing Techniques
Bring inanimate objects to life!
Bring inanimate objects to life!
Build an Animatronic Toy
InstructorAzadeh Jamalianbuildananimatronictoy, Think Like an Engineer Prompt, Think Like a Techie Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Animatronic, Servo, Simple Electronics, Puppets, Toy Design, Character Design, Electronics
Build an Animatronic Toy
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianbuildananimatronictoy, Think Like an Engineer Prompt, Think Like a Techie Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Animatronic, Electronics, Toy Design, Puppets, Character Design, Servo, Simple Electronics
Build an Animatronic Toy
MembersAzadeh Jamalianbuildananimatronictoy, Servo, Simple Electronics, Toy Design, Character Design, Puppets, Electronics, Animatronic, Think Like an Engineer Prompt, Think Like a Techie Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Make It Move Series, Design Challenge Series
Design Your Own Pokémon Game
FamilyAzadeh Jamaliandesignyourownpokemongame, Think Like an Inventor Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Game Design, Game Designer, Pokemon, Profession, Illustrator, Bugs, Japanese
Design Your Own Pokémon Game
InstructorAzadeh Jamaliandesignyourownpokemongame, Japanese, Illustrator, Bugs, Game Designer, Profession, Game Design, Pokemon, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Think Like an Inventor Prompt
Design Your Own Pokémon Game
MembersAzadeh Jamaliandesignyourownpokemongame, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Think Like an Inventor Prompt, Game Design, Pokemon, Profession, Game Designer, Japanese, Illustrator, Bugs, Game Design Series, Bug Series
Create a mythological creature!
Create a mythological creature!
Make Your Own Mental Map
Make the Longest Siphonophore!
MembersAzadeh Jamalianmakethelongestsiphonophoreprompt, Marine Life, Learn about animals, animals, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Scientist Prompt, Animals, Nature, Invertebrates, Underwater, Record, Animal Adventure Series, Underwater Series
Make the Longest Siphonophore!
InstructorAzadeh Jamalianmakethelongestsiphonophoreprompt, Animals, Learn about animals, Marine Life, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Scientist Prompt, Nature, Invertebrates, Record, Underwater
Make the Longest Siphonophore
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianmakethelongestsiphonophoreprompt, Learn about animals, Marine Life, Animals, Underwater, Invertebrates, Record, Nature, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Scientist Prompt