GIANT Spotlight: Meet Jamie!


Name: Jamie Solis

Tell us a bit about yourself… My name is Jamie, I am from New York City, and I am a DJ!

What topics are you excited to teach about? I am excited to teach GIANT friends about making music, DJing, and designing original games.

What is your favorite thing to do in New York City? I love exploring museums, seeing Broadway shows, and trying new restaurants around the city.

Tell us about your work. What projects have you worked on in the past? Are there any favorite projects you want to share, or favorite moments teaching? I founded my own company, NOISE212 Labs, to teach young children about music making and DJing using modern technology. I have worked with elementary schools in New York City to design after school programs for students in Grades 2-5 throughout the academic year. Teaching these programs is always inspiring to me as an educator and as a DJ, because I am always learning new ways to use the technology and have fun with music. I published an article last year with the journal, Childhood Education Innovation, discussing the importance of music in the childhood experience. Separately, I also wrote an article for Ottiya, a Korean-based learning platform, to discuss DJing and how it promotes the Four C’s of 21st Century Learning. I have also shared my work at the Playground Exhibit of the SXSW Edu conference, and I was able to see how children of all ages engage with and get excited about music technology.

What is something you want to learn, or are learning right now? I am currently trying to figure out how to design more maker-based experiences for young children that promote music learning and fundamental DJing concepts.