Learning to Think Outside the Box...With the Box!
“Try thinking outside the box” is a phrase many of us have heard throughout our lives as words of encouragement and inspiration. Coincidentally enough, one of our favorite books here at GIANT is about just that, but it also involves the box itself. Not A Box, a children's book by Antoinette Portis is all about taking something as simple and basic as a box and turning it into something extraordinary!
We have had many box projects here at GIANT. It is by far one of the most utilized materials in our classes and workshops.
This past winter break, we had the honor of leading a pod of 3-5 year olds in an activity based on Not A Box!
Each child received a small box and access to a wide array of seemingly random materials, and what they made just goes to show that the possibilities are endless when you give yourself permission to think freely, openly, and divergently. The box could be your favorite animal, a rocket ship, a school for fairies…literally anything! Oftentimes, this is an easier feat for younger children than it is for adults, so we love to challenge adults with this activity as well!
If you’re interested in learning more about Not A Box or want to look at more GIANT kid box creations, check out this post!
Not A Box by Antoinette Portis