GIANT Creative Bootcamp

Get your child’s projects and creations remixed into a one-of-a-kind published storybook based entirely on their submissions!


DESCRIPTION: For kids who dare to accept one creative challenge a day, learn something new, build awesome things from materials they already have at home, and get their projects published!

Create a one-of-a-kind story for this book that’s missing one! During this week-long creative STEM experience, we'll send you and your child one video prompt each day to do at home, and you’ll send us photos of the work that your child makes. These videos focus on a variety of creative STEM topics, from wonders of the animal kingdom to comics, storytelling, engineering, science, creative math, and design thinking. The prompts we share with you will be personalized, based on the unique creations you send us each day. After the week finishes, we’ll mix and remix your child’s submissions to create a one-of-a-kind storybook, based entirely on their projects! The book with no story will finally discover what its story is, all thanks to your child’s imagination! This creative bootcamp helps participants to notice more, be more present and happier, and boost their creativity and thinking skills.

Recommended for ages 3-12

DATES: July 31st through August 6th

FORMAT: Online, asynchronously


  • Sign up for free to participate. Registration closes on July 30th. Before the bootcamp starts, create your character for the book with no story!

  • You’ll get an email each day from July 31st - August 6th with a new creative prompt for your child to build and make. Once you receive the email, your child has 24 hours to make something based on the video and submit your project to us! (Read below about how to submit projects.)

  • The prompts we send you will be personalized, based on the projects your child submits to us the day before.

  • There will be 7 creative prompts in total (one each day). Your child may submit one or more projects for each prompt, and they can be 2D (drawings, doodles, blueprints, etc.), 3D (recyclables, LEGOs, paper building and crafting, sculptures, etc.), or something else. We encourage you to submit anything that your child gets inspired to create! You may also submit text descriptions of your child’s ideas instead of a photo of the project.

  • After the bootcamp is over, we’ll use your submitted projects to write a one-of-a-kind storybook, based entirely on your child’s creations! They get to invent the characters and setting, make inventions for those characters to use, and even help solve the storybook’s scientific mystery!

  • A digital and physical published storybook will be available for purchase after the bootcamp is over.


  • FREE TO JOIN. There is no cost to join GIANT Creative Bootcamp. Simply complete the registration form to participate. We’ll send you and your child personalized daily creative prompts, collect your child’s submissions, and write a one-of-a-kind storybook based on their submissions.

  • DIGITAL PUBLISHED STORYBOOK. After the Bootcamp, you may purchase a digital downloadable PDF of your personalized storybook for $9.99.

  • PHYSICAL PUBLISHED STORYBOOK. You may also purchase a physical and professionally-printed copy of your personalized storybook for $69.99.

Photo submission tips!

In order to have the best results for your storybook, here are some recommendations for taking photos of your child’s projects:

  • Take a photo of the project in bright light.

  • Make sure there are no shadows over the project.

  • The higher the resolution the better!

  • Take a photo of the project against a plain background or solid color.

  • The project should be the only thing in the photo. Your child shouldn’t be in the photo.

You can email with any project submissions. Please include your child’s name in the email, as well as which prompt their project is inspired by.

You can also submit projects by clicking the “SHARE WITH US” button on each prompt’s web page.

Interested to see what a past storybook has looked like?

Check out GIANT Storybook: A Journey Into An Imaginary Garden, which was a collaborative remix made to celebrate Earth Day.