Code the Most Mind-Bending Visuals For an Art Installation


Get creative and learn about the visionary Zachary Lieberman, an artist, educator, inventor, and programmer, who is creating new tech tools to make art with and building interactive installations with code.

1 - Go to, a live coding program.
2 - Code the most mind-bending visuals for an art installation!
3 - Use one of the pre-built lessons as a foundation, and then change the values to make it your own.
4 - Take a photo and share it with us.

Bonus! Copy this code and paste it into the Gibber Playground:

//hydra sketch

f =()=> a.fft[0]

use('hydra').then(init=>init()) noise(1,1,f).repeat(()=>time,1).kaleid(3).scale(0.5,0.5).out()

//gibber notes

Pluck().note.seq([0,1,2,4,5,4,2,1,0],1/2) Pluck().note.seq([0,1,2,4,5],1/2) Pluck().note.seq([1,2,4,5,0],1/4)


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