Thursday DIY Electronics Prompt: Light Things Up with LED and Coin Battery

Light up an LED by learning about circuits, and then add it to another creation!

1- Grab a LED, coin battery, tape, and other crafts material
2- Light up your LED!
3- Make something and light it with your circuit. Will it be a robot, a puppet, a fancy hat, or...?
4- Take a photo and share.

    • 5 minutes

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Make It Your Own:

    • Add your bright LED to a new creation using other materials.

    • There are hundreds of millions of people in the world that don't have access to electricity. Using your LEDs and coin batteries, invent something to bring electricity and light to everyone on Earth.

    • Design a fashionable wearable that uses the LED, like clothes, shoes, a hat, or a step counter.

    • Make a character or puppet and attach your LED to it to bring it to life! Act out a story with it!

    • If the LED is always on, the battery will run out of power. How could you make this circuit more useful? How could you efficiently turn the light off and on? Make a switch!

    • Experiment with the LED and coin battery. What happens if you add many LEDs on one battery? Are the lights stronger or dimmer? Try it with different colors. What do you notice? Record your notes in a science journal!

    • How many LEDs can you fit on one coin battery? How many can you put on a coin battery and still have them all turn on?

    • Use LEDs to brighten up your art masterpiece! Make a sculpture, painting or another type of art form.