Wednesday Inventor Prompt: Deforestation

Invent for forests! Let’s learn about deforestation, and what we can do stop it from continuing.

1 - Grab a ziploc bag, cotton balls, sharpies, water
and seeds.
2 - Decorate your bag using the sharpies.
3 - Place cotton balls and seeds inside the bag and add water.
4 - Once your seeds grow, take a picture and share!

    • Ziploc bag

    • Cotton balls

    • Sharpies

    • Water

    • Seeds

    • 25+ minutes

What Others Have Shared:


Make It Your Own:

    • Where will your plant live? Make alternate homes for your plants, like paper mache plant cups.

    • Invent a home for your plant that will make it grow faster, stronger and healthier.

    • Invent another way for us to reverse deforestation. How can we grow bigger, healthier and stronger forests?

    • Code your micro:bit to track how your plant is growing. Make a self-water machine that knows when your plants need more water and when they don't.

    • Code an animation of how your seeds will grow out of the ground. Include the different stages of growth: germination to sprout to seedling to tree.

    • If you have extra seeds, what experiments can you try with them? Test out how your seeds grow in different conditions -- less sunlight, less water, in different containers/homes.

    • Make a stop motion animation of what you expect to happen to your seeds and forest! Include the different stages of growth: germination to sprout to seedling to tree.

    • Design a special garden box to hold your seeds once they sprout. Will it be a smart garden box that knows how much water and sunlight your plants need? Add features to it to make it eye-catching and functional.