Wednesday Inventor Prompt: Endangered Species

Invent for endangered species! How can we raise awareness and advocate for the rights of animals at risk going extinct?

1- Grab paper, scissors, and markers.
2- Create a pop-up card with information about endangered species.
3- Raise awareness! Show it to friends and family.
4- Take a picture & share!

    • Paper

    • Scissors

    • Markers

    • 30+ minutes

What Others Have Shared:


Make It Your Own:

    • Make something else that advocates for animals rights and spreads awareness! What else can you make pop out of your card?

    • What's an invention you can build to help stop species from going extinct? It is a safe haven for animals? A land bridge to help animals survive in human cities? Or something that improves their habitats and food source? Build it and test it! How can it be improved?

    • Code an animated story to raise awareness for animal rights in Scratch.

    • What is your favorite animal? Is it at risk of being extinction? What do you think this animal specifically needs to live well on Earth? Build it based on the animal's diet, behaviors, habitat, predators and ecosystem.

    • Create an advertisement to raise awareness for animal rights and endangered species and convince other people why they should care! Is it a commerical? A poster or flyer? Or something else?