Wednesday Inventor Prompt: Protection from the Sun

Invent for pets! How can we keep our pets protected from the dangers of the sun?

1- Grab a pencil, paper, and other craft materials
2- Make an invention that will protect your pet from the sun
3- Is it something they can wear? Or maybe a special sunscreen they can use?
4- Take a picture and share!

    • Paper

    • Scissors

    • Markers

    • Tape

    • Optional: recyclables

    • 30+ minutes

What Others Have Shared:


Make It Your Own:

    • How can you produce this invention on a mass scale? Make a factory that produces your invention!

    • Create an advertisement to promote your new invention and convince other people buy it! Is it a commerical? A poster or flyer? Or something else?

    • Test out your invention by trying it on a pet or stuffy. How does it work? How can it be improved?

    • Did you design a pet wearable? If so, make it into a fashionable collection! What other accessories can go with it so that you pet is both safe and stylish?

    • Make a 3D model of your invention using Tinkercad.

    • What already exists in nature that we can learn from when inventing? What animals have protective layers that stop them from being burned? Study other animals and plants to help you with your invention.

    • Often, pets make it difficult for their owners when they are given medicine, putting on clothes, or trying to stay still. This may make it difficult for the pet's owner to use your invention easily. How can you further improve and engineer your invention to be super easy to put on, apply or use?