Wednesday Inventor Prompt: Reducing CO2 Emissions

Invent for our air! How can we reduce CO2 emissions in the air and atmosphere?

1 - Grab arts and crafts materials.
2 - Invent and prototype your own anti-emission vehicle!
3 - What form of energy will it use? Wind? Solar? One that hasn't been discovered yet?
4 - Take a picture and share!

    • Paper

    • Scissors

    • Markers

    • Tape

    • Optional: recyclables

    • 45+ minutes

What Others Have Shared:


Make It Your Own:

    • What's another way you can make an anti-emission vehicle? Try making it with different materials! Check out these other designs you can try, here.

    • Test out your invention! What works well? What doesn't? How can it be improved?

    • Cars and trucks running on fossil fuels cause a lot of pollution, especially in neighborhoods like the Bronx in New York City. Learn more about the problem here. What can you invent to reduce CO2 emissions specifically for these communities?

    • Make a 3D model of your vehicle using Tinkercad.

    • What other renewable forms of energy can your vehicle use? What about nuclear fusion? Learn about it here.

    • There may be ways to power vehicles using renewable resources, but the engines are too big and expensive to make. How can you further improve and engineer your vehicle's engine to be as small and as affordable as possible?

    • Decorate, paint and design your vehicle so that it catches people's eyes and will encourage them to buy one for themselves so that they stop burning gasoline.