Monday Origami Prompt: How to Make a Cute Dog

Let’s learn how to make the cutest doggy face using origami techniques, and then make it your own by adding a wagging tail, making it a chew toy, or having it star in a stop motion animated film!

(1) Print out the template and gather markers, scissors, and square paper.
(2) Make a cute origami dog.
(3) Draw a face for your dog. Make it one of a kind!
(4) Take a picture or video and share.

    • Template

    • Square paper

    • Markers

    • Scissors

    • 15+ minutes

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Make It Your Own:

    • Think like a dog! What would you need or want if you were a dog? A chew toy? A fluffy bed? Some delicious and nutritious kibble?

    • Use your dog to make a stop motion animation! Use the app "Stop Motion Studio" to bring your story to life. Make other characters using origami for your story. Make a backdrop for your animation.

    • Dogs see color the same way that a red-green colorblind person would. This means that dogs can only see a few hues, mostly blues and yellows. This is why some dogs have trouble finding red toys on green grass -- they can’t see them! Make an invention to help dogs see all the colors that humans can.

    • Dogs have about 300 million olfactory receptors (the things that allow us to smell!), whereas humans only have 6 million. That is why dogs can smell so well. Make an invention that can help humans smell as powerfully as dogs can.

    • Design a game with your dog! Maybe a game of fetch? Or an obstacle course? Write a rule card and share it with your friends and family to play with them.

    • Design a clothing line collection for your dog! Need some ideas? Check out this super fashionable dog, Bodhi.

    • Use littleBits or other electronics to make your dog bark! Not sure how to do that? Check out this DIY electronics prompt.

    • Take a photo of your origami dog. Add it as a sprite in Scratch! Make a game, a dance party, or go on an adventure with your origami doggy!

    • Did you know that dogs dream just like humans? When dogs twitch in their sleep, it probably means that they're dreaming! What do you think they are dreaming of? Make a hypothesis and devise an experiment to test it! Record your findings in a science journal.

    • Use paper folding and cutting techniques to make a body for your cute dog face. Add a tail! How can your dog's tail wag?