Monday Origami Prompt: How to Make a Jumping Frog

It’s time to get hopping! Let’s learn how to make an origami frog that can jump into the air.

(1) Print out the template or find a square origami paper, and gather scissors and markers.
(2) Make an origami jumping frog!
(3) Try to make your frog jump as far as it can go! Race with your friends!
(4) Take a picture or video and share.

    • Template or square paper

    • Markers

    • Scissors

    • 20+ minutes

What Others Have Shared:


Make It Your Own:

    • Think like a frog! What would you need or want if you were a frog? A pond to swim in? A fly to snack on? A lily pad to lounge on

    • One of the smallest frogs is the Cuban tree toad, which only grows to half an inch long! Make another origami frog -- as small as you can!!

    • Toads are types of frogs. The word "toad" is usually used for frogs that have warty and dry skin, as well as shorter hind legs. Make another origami frog that is a toad! Use another material to add warty, dry skin to your paper toad.

    • Frogs come in so many beautiful colors and patterns! Use watercolors or paint to color your origami frogs inspired by the many different species in nature.

    • Use your frog to make a stop motion animation! Use the app "Stop Motion Studio" to bring your story to life. Make other characters using origami for your story. Make a backdrop for your animation.

    • Unlike humans, frogs have excellent night vision! Invent night-vision googles inspired by frog vision.

    • Many frogs can leap more than 20 times their body length because of their long legs. Invent a machine that can help humans jump super far distances.

    • Design an Olympic competition with your origami frog! Make a couple more jumping frogs. See who can leap the farthest! Give the winning frog a medal or award!

    • How can you make your frog "ribbit" while it jumps around? Use littleBits, MakeyMakey or other electronics to make it sound.

    • There are over 6,000 species of frogs in the world! Scientists continue to search for new ones. Go discover a new species! What is unique about this species? Is it poisnous? Where does it live? From what other species did it evolve from? What adaptations does it have to live in its environment?

    • What is another paper folding or crafting technique that can make your origami frog jump around? Build it! Is it easier or harder than the first method you tried?