Monday Origami Prompt: How to Make a Paper Trap

Make a trap using paper and origami techniques to capture a toy, a stuffy, or even a mouse!

(1) Print out the template, and gather scissors and markers.
(2) Make an origami paper trap!
(3) Design a game with your paper trap.
(4) Take a picture or video and share.

    • Template

    • Markers

    • Scissors

    • 20+ minutes

What Others Have Shared:


Make It Your Own:

    • Ninja stars were weapons that samurai used while fighting. Turn your star into something less dangerous and more joyful! It is a fidget spinner? A puzzle piece? Another type of tool?

    • Make more ninja spy supplies! Use other materials to add to your ninja collection.

    • Your paper trap takes 5 times longer to snap shut once it has caught something than Sally's does. Sally takes 3 seconds. How can you improve your design to snap shut as fast as Sally's?

    • Your paper trap can hold up to 30 pounds. If you catch a toy that weighs 14 pounds, another stuffy that weighs 2 pounds, and your kitten that weights 11 pounds, will your paper trap be able to hold all three items? How much more weight could it hold?

    • Design a game with your paper trap! What will it catch? How will you win or lose the game? Make a rule card to teach others to play your game with you!

    • Add a light to your paper trap! Once it has caught something, have the light go on to notifiy you!

    • Once your paper trap has caught something, have a celebration jingle play to celebrate your win!

    • Engineer a new and improved model of the paper traps. How can they be faster, stronger, or sneakier than your current model?