Design Houses Using 3D Printing MembersAzadeh JamalianJanuary 29, 2022designhousesusing3dprinting, Architects Series, Environment Series, Design Challenge Series
Explore the Tiniest Parts of the Universe with Stephon Alexander FamilyAzadeh JamalianJanuary 27, 2022explorethetiniestpartsoftheuniversewithstephonalexander, Black History Month
Explore the Tiniest Parts of the Universe with Stephon Alexander InstructorAzadeh JamalianJanuary 27, 2022explorethetiniestpartsoftheuniversewithstephonalexander, Black History Month
Cure Diseases with Computational Chemistry FamilyAzadeh JamalianJanuary 25, 2022curediseaseswithcomputationalchemistry, Female Role Model
Cure Diseases with Computational Chemistry InstructorAzadeh JamalianJanuary 25, 2022curediseaseswithcomputationalchemistry, Female Role Model
Polka Music and Dance Party! MembersAzadeh JamalianJanuary 24, 2022polkamusicanddanceparty, Become a Noisemaker Series, Holiday, Holiday Series, Celebration
Create a Flip Book to Animate Your Stories FamilyAzadeh JamalianJanuary 23, 2022createaflipbooktoanimateyourstories
Create a Flip Book to Animate Your Stories InstructorAzadeh JamalianJanuary 23, 2022createaflipbooktoanimateyourstories
Create a Flip Book to Animate Your Stories MembersAzadeh JamalianJanuary 23, 2022createaflipbooktoanimateyourstories, Storytelling Series
Design a Fancy Outfit for a Special Occasion FamilyAzadeh JamalianJanuary 21, 2022designafancyoutfitforaspecialoccasion, Black History Month, woman