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April Club on Wednesdays: AI, Machine Learning, and Coding in Scratch

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DESCRIPTION: Participants become Artificial Intelligent designers and machine coders. We'll learn about machine learning, collect data, train machines, and code solutions for the problems we care about.

Participants learn about AI principals and design machines that detect patterns in text, images, and sound data sources. They also learn fundamentals in block based coding using Scratch software developed by MIT.

We'll create together, tackle challenges, come up with solutions, build, share, and give feedback to each other. This club is a wonderful blend of machine learning, data science, and block based coding.

Recommended for ages 8-12

CLUB FORMAT: Live Online on Wednesdays, 5 to 6pm EST

CLUB DATES: May 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th


  • AI and machine learning

  • Data collection, testing, and refining data

  • Block based coding in scratch: logic, events, functions, variables, and more


Nathier is a multidisciplinary designer, researcher and artist, with a Master’s in Interactive Telecommunications [ITP] from NYU. As a designer, she creates rich visual landscapes that materialize in sets, experiences and interactive installations. Her current research focuses on the relationship between human and non-human interactions and what arises when emerging technologies are involved. As part of her teaching ethos, errors are encouraged, expected and welcomed.

PRICE: $20/session