STEAM (STEM + Arts) News in Review: 10/11/19
Our STEAM (STEM + Arts) News in Review for this week. Below are the articles we read focused on kids, education, technology, and art. Join our conversation and share your thoughts with us in comments:
EdSurge: The Incredible Benefits Of Letting Students Drive Their Own Learning
An english teacher reflects on what happened when she let go of strict rules and her curriculum map in her classroom and encouraged kids to drive their own learning.
Forbes: Richie Hawtin, Bridging Technology and Creativity
The evolution of Richie Hawtin’s music career, highlighting his scrappy mindset to repurpose unwanted technology for the production of his music early in his career, and how technology empowers his creativity
Scientific American: Neuroscientist named MacArthur Genius talks Creativity in Science
Former Ballerina Vanessa Ruta was recently named a MacArthur Genius for her research on how behavior changes as brain circuits are altered through evolution or experience. She reflects on how growing up as a ballerina, and in a household of artists, influences the way she approaches science.
NPR: The Things Parents Don’t Talk About With Their Kids, But Should
A new survey from Sesame Workshop suggests children notice social differences starting at a very early age, but parents are not engaging in conversation with kids about social identity. Researchers suggest that grown-ups need to be proactive about explaining the differences kids see and making it clear that different isn't bad.
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Creating a Culture of Innovation in the Humanitarian Sector
We tend to associate the word innovation with the technology industry due to its often groundbreaking, buzzworthy advancements. But, in reality, innovation is a human driven idea that’s crucial in any role within any industry. These humanitarian innovators make the case that you can bring innovation even into the most structured of organizations.
Scientific American: Science GIFs To Start Your Week
Ever wonder what a black hole would look like? Or a galaxy cluster forming 12 billion light-years from Earth? These scientists put these GIFs together to share their research in a quick, visual way (and it’s pretty cool.)
Harvard Business Review: To Prepare for Automation, Stay Curious and Don’t Stop Learning
As technology continues to advance and our society sees more and more automation, our first instinct is to the skills to build these emerging technologies. However, in the age of AI, the importance of “human-skills” are more valuable than ever.