NYC Kids Share Their Journeys in New GIANT Chapter Book!

The GIANT Room has completed another very fun GIANT Remix with the help of the New York Public Library, and hundreds of children from all across New York City!

Each summer the New York Public Library challenges kids ages 6 to 12 to submit to a writing competition. This summer’s theme was “a journey of discovery.” NYPL encouraged kids to share about a journey, trip, voyage, or quest from real life or their imagination. What adventures happen along the way? What do the characters in the story discover? 

Kids were able to submit their stories in three ways: by drawing a comic strip, writing a fictional story, or writing a nonfiction report. Entries were welcomed in English, español, 中文, বাংলা, Русский, or العَرَبِية.  A total of 215 children throughout New York City submitted stories taking us on the wildest adventures! In fact, we had so many fiction submissions, we had to create two separate volumes! In these books, The GIANT Room team of designers, artists, and educators has published the submissions in each category. Our team had a blast reading about all of these fictional and real-life adventures!

A special congratulations to this year’s winners, Andreas Hunt, Anthony Avram, and Joy Kochar. Honorable mentions go to Joaquin Gonzalez, Lydia Rong, Xaviera Cevallos, James Hunt, and Tsejin Teo!

Take a look here! You’re in for quite the journey.

BooksMaya Hood-Wilson