Posts tagged Think Like a Storyteller Prompt
Tell the Scariest Stories
Sketch A Storyboard for Your Very Own Silent Film
Illustrate A Comic About the Life of Honeybees like an Apiologist
Adopt a Pet Rock
MembersAzadeh JamalianUS Holidays, Adoption, Pet, Rocks, Silly, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Storytelling prompts, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Entrepreneur Series, Storytelling Series
Create a mythological creature!
Make the Silliest Character for Kookerville
MembersAzadeh Jamalianmakethesilliestcharacterforkookerville, Upcycling, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like an Artist Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Artist, Profession, Interactive art, Puppet, Silly, Fabric, Recycled Material, Newspaper, Art Museum Series, Art Museum Series - Sculpture & Puppets, woman
Read Your Future with Tarot Cards
Make A Mythical Mermaid Tale
Make A Mythical Mermaid Tale
Tell the Scariest Stories
Sketch A Storyboard for Your Very Own Silent Film
Illustrate A Comic About the Life of Honeybees like an Apiologist
Adopt a Pet Rock
Tell a Story About African Elephants Through Stop Motion Animation
Tell a Story About African Elephants Through Stop Motion Animation
Read Your Future with Tarot Cards
Read Your Future with Tarot Cards
Make an Unusual Puppet
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianmakeanunusualpuppet, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Puppet, Director, Scenographer, Profession, Performance, Make it Move, Recycled Material
Make an Unusual Puppet
MembersAzadeh Jamalianmakeanunusualpuppet, Recycled Material, Puppet, Director, Scenographer, Profession, Performance, Make it Move, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Make It Move Series
Make an Unusual Puppet
InstructorAzadeh Jamalianmakeanunusualpuppet, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Puppet, Director, Profession, Scenographer, Performance, Make it Move