GIANT Trading Cards: Collectible Microbe IDs


For kids (and adults) who dare to collect the most EPIC microbes and stop the spread of germs!

Co-designed and co-written by a classroom of first and second graders and The GIANT Team, this deck of trading cards invites all kids (and adults) to learn about types of microbes, where to find them, and their super powers!

  • Deck of 18 Microbe ID Cards

  • Each collectible card includes original sketch of a microbe, an AI generated microbe avatar, information about where it can be found, and its super power!

  • Download your own deck, start trading, and playing!

  • One of a kind, co-designed by a participating classroom as part of Lysol® Minilabs Science Kit Program


Digital Deck Preview


Check out the cards and then then, invite your family, friends, pets, teachers, and neighbors to learn about microbes with you!

We are extremely honored to partner with Lysol® and bring Lysol® Minilabs Science Kits to thousands of teachers across the country. Students in this classroom created their own Microbe ID Cards, which we have “remixed” into a one-of-a-kind deck of trading cards, Collectible Microbe IDs.

More GIANT Remixes:


Check out some of our science and microbiology creative prompts: