DESCRIPTION: Have you ever given a pair of eyes and a smile to a can of beans in your kitchen cabinet?, your cactus?, or maybe an old stain on your shirt? Join this workshop to get inspiration from Jon Burgerman's work as he gives quirky and unexpected personalities to all sorts of objects around him. We'll get inspired, doodle, and add lots of funny surprises around our house for our family to discover! This workshop is a wonderful combination of humor, art, and creativity.
Recommended for ages 6 to 10
Doodling skills
Presentation and social skills
WORKSHOP FORMAT: 1 hour live online via zoom
Jessica H. is a digital designer and educator focused on helping children use technology in creative ways. She currently teaches science, previously having taught math, literacy, and art. Although always learning new creative technologies, Jessica is well-versed in a variety of tools and mediums such as Scratch, Python, web design, paper circuitry, littleBits, animation, and more. She holds a BFA degree from Parsons School of Design in Creative Technologies.
MATERIAL NEEDED: Papers, markers, tape or glue, common everyday objects
PRICE: $20/session OR $75 for 5 sessions (you’ll save $5/session with purchase of a package)