DESCRIPTION: For kids who dare to play the pilot!
Think like a pilot, explorer, tourist or even a bug! We’ll take virtual field trips to all sorts of places around the world and equip campers with the tools necessary to tackle age-appropriate challenges, work collaboratively, and think creatively. Campers will master the design thinking process while working with a variety of tools and materials, from arts and crafts to laser cut models and SAGO Box, on projects inspired by all the destinations they visit.
As part of the camp, participants will receive a GIANT + Sago Box of STEAM Challenges with all the tools and materials they need to go on their adventures!
Recommended for ages 3-5
CAMP DATES: Week of July 26th
One hour live workshop, every day of the week (M-F) 10am to 11am
One hour live workshop, every day of the week (M-F) 1pm to 2pm
Additional asynchronous suggested activities and challenges to work on while offline
Imaginative Play: Build playthings to transport you to new places
Creative Play: Craft all sorts of travel gadgets you can imagine using arts and crafts material
Social science: animals, foods, and places around the world
PRICE: $250/Week + $ 115 Material Fee