Plant Series — GIANT Daily Creative Prompts — The GIANT Room
Posts tagged Plant Series
Today's Prompt: Create A Desert Filled With Living Stones
Listen For The Music Of Plants
Create a Mushroom Puppet Show
Plant a Cactus Farm like an Engineer
MembersAzadeh JamalianUnderwater Series, Water, Cactus, Plants, River, Ocean, Plant Series, Explore the Universe Series, Think Like an Inventor Prompt, Inventor Series, Environment Series, Engineering, Chemistry
Build An Evergreen Tree to Celebrate Christmas
How Can You Use This "Miracle" Plant?
MembersAzadeh JamalianPlants, Chef, Medicine, Doctor, Nature Science, History, Food, Plant Series, Kitchen & Food Series, Archeology Series
Plant Sustainable Gardens like A-dae Romero-Briones
Solve the Scientific Mystery of Slime Mold
Plant a Bear Paw Succulent Garden
Invent To Hear The Music Of Plants
Tell Stories About Ants, Wasps, and Trees Through A Comic Book
Invent A Communication Device For Plants
Craft A Magnificent Bouquet of Flowers
Craft A Magnificent Bouquet of Flowers
Harvest The Crunchiest Carrots From Your Garden
Harvest The Crunchiest Carrots From Your Garden
Code An Indoor Bio-Dome
FamilyAzadeh JamalianBio-Dome, Coding Series, Coding Prompt, Creative Coding, Environment Series, Travel Series, Dubai, Traveling, Plant Series, Animal Adventure Series, Flora and Fauna, Twinery
Code An Indoor Bio-Dome
MembersAzadeh JamalianBio-Dome, Coding Series, Coding Prompt, Creative Coding, Environment Series, Travel Series, Dubai, Traveling, Plant Series, Animal Adventure Series, Flora and Fauna, Twinery
Listen For The Music Of Plants
Draw Japanese Orchids With Python