Think Like a Scientist Prompt — GIANT Daily Creative Prompts — The GIANT Room
Posts tagged Think Like a Scientist Prompt
Build a Microwave Like a Physicist
Explain Quantum Physics, Gravitational Waves, and More Like a Scientist
Collect the Freakiest Funkiest Fish Cards
MembersAzadeh JamalianDrawing, Fish, book, Paper, Marine Life, Ocean, Think Like a Scientist Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Game Design, Book Series, Game Design Series, Underwater Series
Solve the Scientific Mystery of Slime Mold
Make Your Own Mental Map
Make Your Own Mental Map
Build a Microwave Like a Physicist
Explain Quantum Physics, Gravitational Waves, and More Like a Scientist
Collect the Freakiest Funkiest Fish Cards
Solve the Scientific Mystery of Slime Mold
Solve the Scientific Mystery of the Wandering Octopuses
Solve the Scientific Mystery of the Wandering Octopuses
Build an Invention Inspired by the Corpse Flower
Build an Invention Inspired by the Corpse Flower
Design Orange Inspired Art
Design Orange Inspired Art
Design Orange Inspired Art
Light Up the Sky with Fireworks
InstructorAzadeh Jamalianlightuptheskywithfireworks, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Scientist Prompt, Travel, World Culture, China, Chemistry, Material Science, Celebration, New Year
Light Up the Sky with Fireworks
MembersAzadeh Jamalianlightuptheskywithfireworks, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Scientist Prompt, Travel, World Culture, China, Chemistry, Material Science, Celebration, New Year, Explore the Universe Series
Light Up the Sky with Fireworks
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianlightuptheskywithfireworks, Think Like a Scientist Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Travel, World Culture, China, Chemistry, Material Science, Celebration, New Year