Gift the Cutest Fingerprinted Holiday Cards
Design a Recycled (Ugly) Holiday Sweater
Build a Stage like Es Devlin
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianbuildastagelikeesdevlin, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Think Like an Artist Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Stage Designer, Stage Design, Profession, Artist, Sculpture, woman
Launch Your Very Own Business!
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianlaunchyourveryownbusiness, Think Like a Hacker Prompt, Think Like an Inventor Prompt, Business, Entrepreneur, Profession, Child Inventor, Food, Healthy, Invent for Health, woman
Becoming Superheroes!
Make a "Useless" Invention to Help You Brush Your Teeth
Explore Kawaii Drawing Techniques
Bring inanimate objects to life!
Build an Animatronic Toy
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianbuildananimatronictoy, Think Like an Engineer Prompt, Think Like a Techie Prompt, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Animatronic, Electronics, Toy Design, Puppets, Character Design, Servo, Simple Electronics
Design Your Own Pokémon Game
FamilyAzadeh Jamaliandesignyourownpokemongame, Think Like an Inventor Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Game Design, Game Designer, Pokemon, Profession, Illustrator, Bugs, Japanese
Create a mythological creature!
Make the Longest Siphonophore
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianmakethelongestsiphonophoreprompt, Learn about animals, Marine Life, Animals, Underwater, Invertebrates, Record, Nature, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like a Scientist Prompt
Practice One Line Art Techniques
Make a Stick-bug Sidekick
Illustrate a Tree Comic
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianillustrateatreecomic, Nature Inspired, Think Like a Scientist Prompt, Think Like an Artist Prompt, Comic, Nature, Profession, Ecologist, Fungi Trees, woman
Make the Silliest Character for Kookerville
FamilyAzadeh Jamalianmakethesilliestcharacterforkookerville, Upcycling, Think Like a Maker Prompt, Think Like an Artist Prompt, Think Like a Designer Prompt, Think Like a Storyteller Prompt, Artist, Profession, Interactive art, Puppet, Silly, Fabric, Recycled Material, Newspaper, woman
Write Instructions Like Sol LeWi
Redesign Your House or Apartment Building Like Zaha Hadid
Discover a New Scorpion Species
Create Your Very Own Sol LeWitt Masterpiece